Many individuals that experience mental health issues during their lifetime may have considered (or been advised) to take some form of medication. There are some research that suggests that certain prescribed medications related to mental health work by increasing levels of chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters which are linked to our mood, such as serotonin.
According to data released by NHS Digital, in 2018 it was recorded that 70.9 million prescriptions for antidepressants were given out compared with 36 million in 2008. This could be for numerous reasons such as increased research on the use of the medication to treat mental health issues, an increase in peoples’ ability to confide in their GP about their mental health. Either way, the data evidently shows that the UK population is struggling with mental health now more than ever.
Johann Hari in his book Lost Connections makes reference to antidepressants as being doctors ‘one menu option’. For this statement, some have heavily criticised Hari claiming he is being dismissive of the process in which trained professionals take when treating patients, yet others have offered some additional insight into his perspective.
In 2016, Dr David Healy, a psychology professor, stated that the medications are prescribed too easily to some patients, and it is failing individuals who would benefit from alternative treatment. However, alternative research suggested that GPs are increasingly cautious when it comes to prescribing such serious medication and only do so if deemed entirely appropriate.
Like any form of treatment, each individual needs to find what works best for them and their mind. Various individuals have commented on the remarkable impact specific medications have had on their lives, ensuring they feel able to do the thing they want without feeling plagued by their mental health. Whilst others have found that by taking medication, it developed numerous side effects that they felt discredited the advantages in their mindset. The National Institute of Mental Health makes it very clear as part of their ethos that antidepressant medication may not be for everyone and not one treatment fits all, referencing numerous non-medical treatment such as talking therapies and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).
If you, or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, the first step is to talk about it. Although at this start this can feel increasingly daunting, once you open up about what is going on in your mind, it can aid in creating an action plan of what to do next. For some, they may require seeking medical attention, but for others there are alternative treatment options out there to help you make sense of what is going on in your mind.
We at Unmasked have all learned to adjust and live with various mental health issues. Unmasked Mental Health was created with a desire to help others living with mental health issues, those who may be experiencing the same issues and coping with them alone. Our goal is simple, to provide a safe, stable regulated platform, for users to communicate with each other, create bonds and friendships, that they may have potentially missed out on.
With an estimated 1 in 4 people experiencing some form of mental illness, it’s probable that you, or one of your loved ones, could be living with a mental health issue in silence. The chance to talk to someone like-minded, who maybe experiencing the same issues as you are, can be a real boost to one’s confidence and self-esteem.
For more information please look visit Unmasked. You can also check out our app, hubs, and counselling service.
Grace Farrar is the coordinator for Unmasked.