If you missed Laurel Herman’s interview on ‘All Things Autism’ show it will be repeated at the weekend at 1pm and 1am at Women’s Radio Station.
Laurel Herman is an innovator and entrepreneur, having created several initiatives which offer a unique solution to improve a particular aspect of life. These include links, union, positive presence, concept shopping, by invitation only.
She is a leading authority on all aspects of personal enhancement, effectiveness and development. A respected international speaker, moderator and panellist. Dshe is also the author of numerous articles and the definitive book on Business Image which sold extensively across all continents.
As the parent of an adult son with Asperger syndrome, she became inspired to alter its perception from a disability to a welcomed difference and established Aspierations as a way for those with high-functioning autism to achieve fulfilling and successful working lives appropriate to their intellect, intelligence and education.
Dr Anna Kennedy OBE is an educator who has worked to provide an improved education and other facilities for children with autism spectrum disorders.