Home Blog Psychology User Experience in Web 2.0 Technologies: Impact on Universities and Business – Virtual Conference

User Experience in Web 2.0 Technologies: Impact on Universities and Business – Virtual Conference

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User experience (UX) is the principle of developing or designing products and services that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users. This encompasses the design of the entire process of acquiring and integrating the product, including aspects of branding, design, as well as usability and function.

In parallel to the business, e-learning technologies are also affected by the interface and use of social media or artificial intelligence through the use of chatbots or other elements of the interface. A variety of factors may affect traditional or online learning and educational achievements. These factors include learners’ motivations, the online or face-to-face interactions of learners with each other, opportunities for social learning, learners behaviour and mood, their psychological state, factors such as the reputation of the course or institution, ease of use of the apps or website, or competencies of the lecturer. Online technologies are changing the way people communicate, learn, produce, and share knowledge. Thus, the relevance of factors affecting learning achievement is also subject to change. As social media is all about creating and sharing information since it connects people at various level, it also plays in favour of increasing and decreasing factors that affect learning. 

To further shed light on this, Dr Jean-Eric Pelet, a researcher from the ESCE International Business School, will host the ‘User Experience in Web 2.0 Technologies Conference‘ on Monday 19th October 2020.

Conference topics


This one-day virtual conference aims to provide relevant theoretical frameworks and the latest empirical research findings in the area. It will be written for professionals and academics who want to improve their understanding of the strategic role of User Experience at different levels of the information and knowledge society, that is, e-commerce and e-learning at the level of the global economy, of networks and organisations, of teams and workgroups, of information systems and, finally, e-learning and e-commerce at the level of individuals as actors in the networked environments.

Tickets can be purchased through the conference website

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