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Tips to Improve Your Mood and Stay Motivated at Work

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Do you have those days where you just feel like you want to get home and go straight to bed? Well, for most people, it’s just a case of Monday blues, but if it happens regularly, you should probably find ways to be positive at work. It happens to the best of us; we are not machines after all. Being in a bad mood at work can be caused by several things, including an argument with your partner, consistent pressure from your boss, or an uncomfortable chair, among others. Below are ways to boost your mood and stay motivated at work. 

Upgrade your equipment

Using the right equipment at work can boost your mood, productivity, and creativity. For example, you need to use a comfortable office chair. Poor posture has been shown to have a negative effect on mood. An uncomfortable office chair is also bad for your overall health. Buy an ergonomic office chair to avoid all these issues and boost your productivity. 

Make sure to upgrade other low-quality tools that you use for work. You don’t want to have regular paper jams, poor print quality, shredder problems, poor internet connection, or a slow laptop. If your budget allows, upgrade these items. For instance, upgrading to an Apple computer allows you to escape common Windows problems. But be sure to take some time to learn how to use a Mac – every new Mac user needs to learn how to do some basic things like how to take a screenshot on Mac.

Clean and declutter your working space

Apart from making you look more professional, a clean and organised workspace reduces stress. Also, it makes it easier to find things in a pinch, which helps to save time. This helps you to be more efficient at what you are doing. 

Stay hydrated

Dehydration is a major cause of fatigue, so be sure to stay hydrated at work. You can add a slice of cucumber, lemon, or mint to make the water more enjoyable. 

Set small goals

Large projects can be daunting, especially when you don’t know where to start. Don’t focus on a big, scary goal. Instead, break the large goal into small goals and take one thing at a time. 

Celebrate small wins

You don’t have to always wait for long-term payoffs. Little wins are important and should be acknowledged as well. Treat yourself with small things to celebrate your small wins. It is a great way to motivate, encourage, and remind you how brilliant you are. 

Avoid procrastination

We all procrastinate once in a while. It may be comforting to know that you are not the only one who procrastinates, but realising how it holds you back is sobering. Don’t find excuses or waste time trying to figure out why you have not started. Cut out the distractions and start tackling your projects.


Being in a good mood and having high levels of energy does not only help you be productive at work but that positivity and energy spill over to other aspects of your life.

Tommy Williamson did his degree in psychology at the University of Edinburgh. He has an ongoing interest in mental health and well-being.

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