Home Inspirational Stories Something Happens More Than Anxiety During COVID-19

Something Happens More Than Anxiety During COVID-19

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The year 2020 brings surprises that shake-off the entire humankind. Well, it’s not just about coronavirus until it also becomes the centric point of mental health.

How does it trigger mental health?

A person who travels a lot suddenly becomes prisoned in their own nest. Isn’t it strange? Well, yes, it’s the situation to be a concern. So, here are some points that I usually observed during this lockdown

  • Work from home
  • Being prisoned at home
  • Financial crisis
  • Endangered health ratio 

Hence, these are the common reasons that we all experienced. But, someway, people faced more dreadful situations that we can ever imagine. The first thing is migration. Yes! In India and Bangladesh, many migrants died due to lack of work, Money, hunger, and full of fears. And this hits me a lot and makes me curious to think continuously about it. 

How do these situations make us anxious? 

As we all know that the same tone is responsible for our behaviour. So as the ratio of mental health decreases. 

Moreover, Amygdala is the part inside the brain and responsible for emotional fluctuations. For example: When we’re in fear or sad about something, then it functions actively. So, consciousness becomes deeper and results in a situation of anxiety

Our natural happiness is the chemical reaction inside the brain nerves. And the chemicals like endorphins relax the level of stress and make our euphoria. 

Many people faced the depth of hell during this pandemic

  • Employment. During this pandemic, many individuals lost their work, and am one of them. In fact, the financial pressure and finding a new job reflects on my mental health.
  • Financial stability. Practically, we can say Money is a complete solution. Somewhere it’s real, and lack of Money makes me frustrated. But, what about the labour class and farmers? Some people become homeless, and some kids can’t get a proper meal.
  • Mainstream news. Continuously watching world health, death ratio, or endangered economy is another reason. Focusing on the problem rather than solutions is the primary psychological omen. Not only this, our daily commercials are about politics behind the illness. Isn’t it whimsical? 

Is overthinking being the fundamental reason behind this?

Logically it’s a genuine reason. Additionally, recent research says 275 million people face severe anxiety disorder, which is likely to 4 % of the global population. 

An insider about overthinking

  • Thinking about past experiences every night.
  • I was observing the negativity in every situation.
  • Try to surround yourself with a pessimist.
  • A person who has a reserved and shy nature all the time is likely to have a situation of an upset mind.
  • Poor time management.
  • I was spending most of the time alone. 

These are the primary reasons that make you feel miserable. 

Are you the only reason for your happiness?

Yes! Your kindness and the nature of compassion reduce some quantity of trauma. First of all, you’ve to be kinder to you. Care for yourself and treat your abstract feelings as you expected from your loved ones. 

If you need rest, then rest; if you want to sleep, then sleep but never feel sympathy for yourself. 

  • Eat 
  • Sleep
  • Relax 
  • And repeat 

These things sound childish but believe me, it’s my mantra to be calm. It tranquillizes my mind and makes me strong to think real and positive. 

You don’t have any choice to make yourself happy or expect more rather than accepting things

However, ‘inside out’ is one of the best examples that shows a single person’s multiple emotions. In other words, every human brain contains gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA); when it interacts with the protein in your mind, then it releases calming effects and reduces the level of anxiety disorder. 

What should I do when the situation becomes out of control? 

Here, I want to share my personal experiences:

  • I started spending time with my family
  • Dance releases more endorphins, so shake your booty and forget it all.
  • I started working on my creative hobbies, like writing, painting, cooking, or more.
  • Not only this, I started reading books that make me more creative.
  • I altogether avoid watching negative news or shows.
  • I started thinking more about the possibilities and solutions.
  • So my mind was focused on finding a job. And I got it. 

Well, these make me wiser and a wholly balanced person.  

One other thing is that spending time with nature is the best moment that reduces the toxicity inside you. Your spiritual senses attract what you think; that’s why you have to think positive, no matter what. Motivate yourself and never expect from others. Because the world needs kindness, and it starts with you. 

Last but not least, use your smartphone wisely and try to figure out techniques and videos that make you satisfied. 

Simply the law of attraction is real, and thinking about the mountains, showers of stars, your parents, your dog, and the precious moment that internally motivates you. So the world is here, and don’t forget your inner self

Having a vigorous mind full of life experiences, Mansi Alpha started his own blogs on various parameters. He runs the blog The Lost Traveller

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