A generation ago, a diagnosis of autism was seen as a life sentence. There were few options, scant resources, limited information, and little hope for children and families. The story is very different today. Recent research has demonstrated how many different paths and steps are available to help your child. And one of the critical messages is that you, as the caregiver, can be the most powerful ingredient in creating the necessary opportunities for growth and change for your child.
One of the latest innovations is CAT (customized autism treatment), which is a treatment that helps decrease autism symptoms.
What have scientists learned about the causes of autism spectrum disorder (ASD)? Can parents do anything to prevent it? Why do different kids have such different symptoms, and what are the best ways to deal with them? Will there ever be a cure?
From leading autism researchers Raphael Bernier, Geraldine Dawson, and Joel Nigg, this accessible guide helps parents put the latest advances to work for their unique child. From the impact of sleep, exercise, diet, and technology, to which type of professional help might be the right fit, the authors cover it all with expertise and compassion.
Above all, they emphasise that current progress makes this an encouraging time for anyone who wants to help children and teens on the spectrum live to their fullest potential.
This book will help you:
- Learn what recent research has revealed about autism and how to distinguish scientific evidence from unfounded or exaggerated claims
- Get a handle on where your child falls on the autism spectrum and how that can guide your choices of interventions
- Learn how to find the most appropriate treatment for your child
- Separate fact from fiction about what causes ASD
- See how lifestyle changes around sleep, nutrition, and exercise can impact your child with autism and identify practical tips to make those lifestyle changes
- Understand the steps you can take as your child transitions into adolescence and into adulthood
- Keep up with new science and future research directions
About the authors
Raphael Bernier, PhD, is Executive Director of the Seattle Children’s Autism Center, Associate Director of the Center on Human Development and Disability, and Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Washington.
Geraldine Dawson, PhD, is Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the Duke Center for Autism and Brain Development at Duke University. She is co-developer of the Early Start Denver Model, the first empirically validated comprehensive intervention for toddlers with autism.
Joel T. Nigg, PhD, is Director of the Division of Psychology and Professor of Psychiatry, Pediatrics, and Behavioral Neuroscience at Oregon Health and Science University.