Traumatic brain injury is a leading cause of death and disability among children and young adults, with an estimated 1.5 million Americans sustaining one every year. The most common causes of all traumatic injuries, however, are falls, followed by motor vehicle accidents. In many cases, trauma not only causes physical problems, but mental ones as well including confusion, sadness, anxiety, and depression. Most responses are normal and self-limited but when continuous distress exists, how can patients and their families work to overcome or reduce the effects of mental anguish?
Organising legal compensation
Traumatic brain injury can be caused by medical negligence which can result in conditions such as cerebral palsy. This is the case, for instance, if tools are used improperly to deliver a baby or if the infant is dropped shortly after delivery. Parents of children who have sustained an injury owing to negligence should seek legal advice when they are able to. As reported by JJS Justice, cerebral palsy can be costly to treat, as many types of therapy may be recommended – including physical therapy, speech and language therapy, and recreational therapy. Freeing a family of financial stress can help ensure that their child receives the very best treatment available.
Seeking psychological aid
One therapy that is considered ‘gold standard’ in the treatment of traumatic injury is cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). The latter aims at focusing on a person’s current situation and looking for positive ways to solve existing problems. This is done by highlighting the intricate link between how one thinks, feels, and behaves. A therapist might suggest small behavioural changes. For instance, they might ask their patient to jot down if these changes, in turn, affect the way they think or feel about a situation or person in a positive way. CBT can help a person replace ways of thinking or living that aren’t working with practical, productive strategies.
Battling proactively against stress
Stress can be a big trigger for anxiety and depression. Therefore, people who have experienced trauma should make stress reduction a top priority. This can be achieved by practising good sleep hygiene, exercising regularly, and eating healthily. Time spent in nature has also been found to significantly lower levels of the stress hormone, cortisol. Holistic activities like yoga and other mindfulness-based practises can be helpful when it comes to promoting a better mood.
A well-balanced diet is key
Consuming well-balanced meals throughout the day can help keep blood sugar levels constant and reduce the likelihood of mood swings. A Mediterranean diet comprising healthy proteins and Omega-3 fats, fruits and vegetables, and pulses and nuts, can help keep energy steady. They can also promote gut health, which in turn is linked to better mental health. High-sugar diets that can cause blood sugar to spike and plunge, on the other hand, should be avoided.
Traumatic injuries are encountered by millions of Americans every year. Long-term effects of an injury can include confusion, anxiety, and depression. Those who have sustained injuries and their families can tackle mental conditions in many ways. These include obtaining the compensation they are entitled to, seeking professional help from a therapist, and battling stress. Consuming a healthy diet that helps keep energy stable can also be helpful.
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Dennis Relojo-Howell is the managing director of Psychreg. He interviews people within psychology, mental health, and well-being on his YouTube channel, The DRH Show.